Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Developmental Services, Inc.
Phone - 607-733-6533 Fax - 607-733-0939
Phone - 607-733-6534

The Nurse-Family Partnership provides health education and support to people in Chemung County in their first pregnancy, enrolling prior to 29 weeks gestation. Clients receive health care guidance and education from a registered nurse during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby until the child’s second birthday, to help ensure healthy outcomes for both mother and child. Referrals for other desired services can also be made.
The Healthy Families Chemung County program follows the Healthy Families America model. Healthy Families enrolls Chemung County families who are expecting, or who have an infant under the age of three months. Face to face services can continue until the child enters school or turns 5 years old. The Healthy Families program aims to support families, enhance parent-child interaction, and provide parents with information on child development, nutrition, bonding, discipline, and brain development. Also, the program makes referrals to other desired services.
The Chemung County School Readiness Project is an initiative to ensure that children arrive at school socially, cognitively, physically and emotionally ready to learn. CIDS provides face to face services to the families of infants and preschoolers in Chemung County and also provides child development screenings until each child enters school. Staff make in person or virtual visits to support the health and welfare of infants, toddlers, and their families. They provide both skill-building and parent education curricula, offering a wide range of topics from nutrition to literacy. In addition, they provide timely and effective referrals to appropriate service providers while remaining an ongoing source of support for the participants.
The C.I.D.S. Home-Based Crisis Intervention program provides intensive in-home services to Chemung County children aged 5 to 17 and their families. Utilizing the Homebuilders model, services are targeted to children at imminent risk of inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. The services are designed to be more intensive, flexible, accessible, and goal-oriented than traditional mental health services. In lieu of removing a child from the home, program staff teaches skills and adds resources to facilitate the development of a positive environment.

This is a pilot project to identify and serve high-risk pregnant people and children 0-3 years of age who may need referrals and linkages to community-based resources to support them. The aim is to improve the physical, social, and emotional needs of children and enhance their school readiness, reduce infant and postpartum mortality by supporting the pregnant person, and to reduce barriers to desired services within the community.
The Early Childhood Services Team performs developmental screenings of preschool-aged children. A screening consists of standardized tests assessing vision, speech, language, gross motor, fine motor, hearing, and social development. The team provides information for parents regarding developmental issues, and refers children for appropriate remediation as necessary, with parental permission.