Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Developmental Services, Inc.
Phone - 607-733-6533 Fax - 607-733-0939
Phone - 607-733-6534

Healthy Families Chemung County
The Healthy Families Chemung County program is a part of the New York State Home Visiting Program and follows the Healthy Families America model. Healthy Families can enroll Chemung County families who are expecting, or who have an infant under the age of three months.
Home visitation services can continue until the child enters school or turns five years old. The Healthy Families program aims to support families, enhance parent-child interaction, and provide parents with information on child development, nutrition, bonding, and discipline.

Backed by decades of research and founded on strict quality standards, Healthy Families is trusted by nearly 100,000 families annually across the country. Our methods are proven and successful.

Home Visitors make a personal connection with families and offer a form of support available in few other programs.
Help give your baby the most valuable gift of all:
A loving, nurturing, and happy family
Home Visitors:
Provide in-home visitation until the child enters school or turns five years of age.
Enhance parent-child interaction and provide parents with information on child development.
Provide education in maternal and child health care, including prenatal, breastfeeding, immunizations, and lead screening.
Provide fun, educational activities for children.
Arrange for periodic developmental screening.
Refer children with developmental delays or other problems for professional evaluation (with parents' permission).
Must be first or second-time mothers or fathers.
Must enroll prenatally or before the infant turns three months of age.
For School Readiness:
50% reduction in likelihood to repeat first grade
70% increase in likelihood of scoring above grade level in first
grade on three behaviors that promote learning -
26% reduction in receipt of special education services by age seven
23% reduction in below average scores for receptive vocabulary for
children of young, first-time mothers who enrolled in the program early -
An increase in the percentage of girls who scored above grade level academically
For Social & Emotional Development:
88% reduction in the average number of acts of very serious physical abuse at age one
75% reduction in the average number of acts of serious physical abuse at age two
80% reduction in the average number of acts of serious physical abuse at age seven
49% reduction in rate of confirmed CPS reports between ages five and seven, for children
born to young, first-time moms
For Health
HFNY has shown the following outcomes: 48 percent reduction in mothers having low
birth weight babies.