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Nurse-Family Partnership

Giving First Time Moms The Support They Deserve

Nurse Family Partnership

Nurse Family Partnership

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Nurse-Family Partnership provides free maternal and child health services in Chemung County for first-time mothers who enroll prior to 29 weeks pregnant. 


Clients receive health care guidance and education during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby until the child’s second birthday, to ensure healthy outcomes for both mother and child.

Program Qualifications

Nurse-Family Partnership is a free program, but there are some requirements. To receive pregnancy help from NFP, you must: 
  • Be pregnant with your first child
  • Live in Chemung County 
  • Meet income requirements
  • Contact C.I.D.S. in your first 27 weeks of gestation
Not sure if you qualify? That's okay! Contact NFP today by email or give us a call
Call C.I.D.S. at (607) 733-6533

What to Expect When You Enroll

Pregnancy assistance, parental programs, and much more! Your Nurse-Family Partnership Nurse Home Visitor brings you parenting help and education before and after your baby is born. 
What Help

Fathers are Encouraged to Join the Program

Nurse-Family Partnership is known as a maternal and child health program, and first-time mothers enroll in the program to receive nurse home visits. But we know how much fathers matter, too. That’s why Nurse-Family Partnership encourages expectant fathers to be involved in the nurse home visits, whenever possible. 
Independent research makes the risks clear: children in father-absent homes are five times more likely to be poor, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And when fathers are present in a healthy home environment, good things happen: researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that low-income or high-risk children who have fathers in their lives learn better, have higher self-esteem, and show fewer signs of depression than children without fathers.

Nurse-Family Partnership has shown the following results

In School Readiness:

  • 50% reduction in language delays in children age 21 months

  • 67% reduction in behavioral/intellectual problems in children at age six

  • Improvements in child executive functioning in children at age four

  • Improvements in language development in children at ages four and six

  • Improvements in cognitive development in children at age six

  • Increases in math and reading achievement test scores in grades one through three, one through six, and for 12 year-olds.

In Social & Emotional Development:

  • 48% reduction in State-verified reports of child abuse and neglect by age 15

  • 39% fewer health care encounters for injuries or ingestions in the first two years

  • 56% reduction in emergency room visits for accidents and poisoning by age two

In Health Outcomes:

  • 35% fewer cases of pregnancy-induced hypertension

  • 31% reduction in very closely spaced (less than six months) subsequent pregnancies

  • 67% reduction in 12-year-old children’s use of alcohol, cigarettes, or marijuana

  • 28% reduction in 12-year-olds’ mental health problems


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